825 High Street
Worthington, OH 43085
Matthew S. Niemiec D.D.S, M.S.
Alexandra Smolik D.D.S, M.S.
Practice Limited to Endodontics

Advanced Technology

State of the Art Advanced Technologies that Enhance the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endodontic Conditions

Digital Radiography Digital Radiography is a form of x-ray imaging, where digital x-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also, significantly less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography.

Digital Imaging

Through the microscope we are able to take digital pictures of your tooth. These pictures can be sent to your dentist for increased communication of your specific needs. This helps bridge the gap between our office and your referring dentist.

Surgical Microscopes Surgical Microscopes provide the best visualization and illumination of the interior of your tooth, enabling us to explore for very small or calcified root canals, removal of obstructions, and evaluation of cracks.

Ultrasonic Technology Ultrasonic Technology is used in conjunction with microscope aided visualization to remove calcifications or other blockages inside the tooth that impede access to the root canals. It is also used to thoroughly clean areas inside your tooth that can't be reached with conventional endodontic instruments. Ultrasonic instruments are also used during surgical procedures to clean the root tips in a very conservative manner.

Apex Locator

Apex Locator This device helps to precisely measure the length of the tooth's roots electronically for complete cleaning of the tooth. Since it is very accurate, it reduces the number of x-rays normally needed during the procedure. Used along with digital x-rays, this device lowers patient radiation exposure even further.

Cone Beam CT provides a 3-dimensional view that can aid us in diagnosing conditions that are not clearly visible in traditional 2-dimensional dental x-rays. Cone beam CT is often used in previously treated teeth to determine whether retreatment or apical surgery will be most successful in saving your tooth. Coming soon we will also have Cone Beam CT imaging available.
Cone Beam CT Cone Beam CT

The use of advanced training with new technologies help us to provide treatment that is safer, faster and more effective for our patients.